
Achilles Tendinitis

Podiatrists located in Chicago, Wheeling and Arlington Heights, IL

Achilles Tendinitis

Tendinitis (sometimes spelled tendonitis) is a condition that involves inflammation and irritation of the tendons, the strong bands of connective tissue that connect muscles to bones. Tendinitis can occur when the tendon itself becomes injured or when the tendon becomes inflamed and rubs against the protective sheath that surrounds it. Achilles Tendinitis is the most common type of tendinitis to affect the feet and ankles, involving the long tendon that runs from the calf muscle to the heel.

Achilles tendinitis frequently occurs in runners who run in intervals of increased intensity or duration. IT can also affect middle-aged athletes who play sports on the weekends or throughout the week. 

Achilles Tendinitis Q & A

What causes Achilles tendinitis?

Two of the most common causes of Achilles tendinitis are the lack of flexibility and arch problems, including overpronation, which causes the foot to turn or roll outward when walking, often due to having flat feet. Changes in footwear or wearing shoes that don’t fit properly can also contribute to Achilles tendinitis, as can physical activity changes. The condition is especially common among long-distance runners and other athletes who “ramp up” their exercise routines or do not perform warm-up exercises before physical activity. It also occurs in older people whose tendons tend to be stiffer and less flexible, making them more prone to irritation and inflammation.

What are the Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis?

The most common symptom associated with Achilles tendinitis is a pain in the heel area and radiating from the heel. The painful symptoms usually worsen when running or performing other exercises that require pushing off with the foot or jumping.

Factors That May Increase Your Risk Of Achilles Tendinitis 

Your Gender

Unfortunately for the men, you are more likely to develop Achilles tendinitis. So make sure to take extra self-care as you grow older and while playing sports to lessen your chances of being affected. 


Especially for active adults, this can be something that takes you out of the game quickly. If you do not take the proper care and rest that you need, the older you get, the higher chance you will have to develop this injury. 

Physical Issues 

The feet play an essential role in your body’s health, and things like flat-arched feet can put your Achilles tendon at risk. Being overweight or obese also puts a strain on your tendons, increasing the risk of problems. 

The Way You Train 

How you train, the activities you do before and at the end, and the things you wear all play essential roles in your tendons’ health. Make sure to always wear proper fitted shoes, dress up if you are working out in colder weather, and always stretch before each workout. Taking these easy actions can help prevent your tendon from stiffening up and becoming strained. 

Medical Conditions

Personal medical conditions can also leave you with a higher risk of developing Achilles tendinitis. People with psoriasis and high blood pressure may find themselves needing to take extra precautions. 

 Measures To Take To Prevent Achilles Tendinitis

  • Increase your activity – Being more active is important, but it is always essential to push yourself too hard when doing so. If you feel your calves tightening during exercise, that is your body telling you to slow it down.  
  • Take it easy – Pushing yourself may seem attractive as it can give you results quicker, but what is going to happen if you suffer from an injury? It is better to take it easy, train at your own pace, and carefully monitor any pain during exercises. 
  • Choose comfortable and supportive shoes – A firm arch and amazing cushioning are essential to a good shoe. In every activity throughout the day, you are on your feet, so keeping them comfortable and satisfied helps your entire body, not just your feet. 
  • Stretch daily – The best way to prevent Achilles tendonitis? Stretch the Achilles tendon! Morning, afternoon, and evening stretches are easy, and they will help you avoid any recurring problems. Take a few moments each day, relax, take a deep breath, and stretch. 

Common Questions Asked About Achilles Tendinitis 

Why do I keep getting Achilles tendonitis?

If Achilles tendinitis keeps on coming back, it can be due to a few possibilities. One, you are overworking your Achilles tendon by partaking in activities that continuously add stress to the tendon. Or two, you are not letting the tendinitis heal properly. It is important to remember your body needs time to heal, even when it doesn’t hurt. 

Does Achilles tendonitis ever go away?

Yes, Achilles tendonitis will eventually go away with the proper care. Remember that you will be more likely to have tendinitis again if you do not take the proper care during and after the healing process. 

What exercises help Achilles tendonitis?

  • Seated heel raises
  • Standing heel raises.
  • Resistance band calf exercise.
  • Runners Stretch 
  •  Toe-to-wall stretch 

Is it OK to walk with Achilles tendonitis?

Yes, actually, it is very important to remain physically active while you have Achilles tendonitis. We know that you will be in some pain during exercises and walking, so we suggest swimming and cycling; they are low-stress, low-impact exercises perfect for those suffering from pain. 

How do you know if you have torn your Achilles tendon?

It is possible to have no signs or symptoms if the Achilles tendon ruptures, but some people do feel like they have been punched in the calf. The pain is moderate to severe, with a small amount of swelling near the heel. 

Tendinitis Treatments in North Chicago (Wheeling, IL)

Tendinitis can often be treated conservatively with ice, pain medications, and stretching exercises to strengthen the tendon and promote flexibility. Custom orthotics provided by Global Podiatry Clinic may also help by providing additional support for the foot’s arch and by addressing overpronation. In very few cases, when these approaches do not work, surgery may be recommended to reposition the tendon.